Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How to Design a Comprehensive EHR Usability Assessment

Playing out an EHR usability appraisal can bolster viable EHR optimization ventures for healthcare organizations.

EHR Usability Assessment
10 years after the HITECH Act of 2009 first boosted EHR adoption, numerous physicians stay disappointed with EHR design and are looking for improvements to EHR usability. This is where a EHR system with a cognitive design can help.

Upgrading an EHR with the goal that it offers natural, streamlined workflows is basic for advancing clinical effectiveness and lessening provider load. Shortening the measure of time clinicians spend filtering through patient data and exploring the EHR interface can eliminate unproductive keyboard time and enable providers to invest more energy cooperating eye to eye with patients.

Given that most physicians refer to the patient-provider relationship as their essential wellspring of profession satisfaction with their careers, moving the concentrate far from EHR data passage is a top need for healthcare administration.

Increasingly instinctive EHR interfaces may likewise demonstrate to be a shelter to patient well-being, as indicated by a 2018 JAMA research report. Researchers discovered issues with EHR usability may add to episodes of patient damage. Moreover, inquiry about proposed rates of patient satisfaction decreased when providers spend a noteworthy extent of the patient experience pondering over EHR systems.

Searching for ONC-certified health IT systems amid the EHR selection procedure can give healthcare authority some confirmation that a health IT system will have buyers confronting highlights proposed to help usability. Certified EHR technology innovation (CEHRT) must experience a pattern dimension of EHR usability testing so as to acquire affirmation.

Nonetheless, some healthcare industry partners have contended that the usability testing segment of the ONC Health IT Certification Program needs thoroughness and neglects to assess usefulness all through the EHR life-cycle.

Directing an EHR usability appraisal post-execution can help healthcare organizations evaluate the proficiency and adequacy of their EHR innovation, develop workflows that meet their particular needs, and pinpoint open doors for improving user fulfilment.


HIMSS characterizes EHR usability as "the adequacy, effectiveness and fulfilment with which explicit users can accomplish a particular arrangement of tasks in a specific environment."

The "usability" of a specific system can be surveyed by recognizing how well it meets criteria in nine key classes.


A basically designed EHR interface does exclude information or visual components that are pointless for finishing administrative or clinical tasks. Straightforward interfaces lessen the probability physicians will be overpowered by the measure of data showing up on their screens.

EHR systems are designed in view of reducing the effort like featuring significant information utilizing obvious prompts and incorporating alternatives that are straightforward. Featuring key information enables providers to discover pertinent data all the more rapidly. The design of the interface itself is clear, clean, and uncluttered.

Regular and Natural

As per HIMSS, regular EHR interfaces ought to incorporate "screen representations that are well-known to regular day to day existence, or ordinarily expected PC encounters for the clinician."

Clinical workflows in a characteristic EHR interface are explicit to the necessities of clinicians. The interface is likewise natural and simple to figure out how to confine the weight of EHR training.


In a predictable comprehensive EHR interface, all pieces of the application have a similar look and feel. Phrasing and data passage fields are additionally utilized and put reliably, and providers can move flawlessly through various workflows. Steady EHR interfaces advance congruity and decrease disarray for providers.

Forgiveness and feedback

Data section blunders are common. In the event that providers commit an error inside the system, a generous application enables users to recuperate from mistakes effectively. The system additionally gives proper and non-noisy feedback to the user about activities they are going to take or have officially taken to diminish the probability a user will make an unintended move.

The system additionally advises users on the extent a move will make, and clears up the motivation behind the activity.

Effective utilization of language

Language utilized inside shopper benevolent EHR systems mirrors words clinicians use in practice, while additionally giving mapping to standardize codes and terms for data recovery. Rundown and section structure decisions are unambiguous. In general, language inside the EHR interface should peruse like common English.

Productive interactions

An EHR system that empowers productive interactions is designed to limit the number of steps or clicks required to finish tasks.

A productive EHR system additionally offers a wide range of navigation choices, for example, shortcuts for experienced users to minimize the interaction time. Navigation techniques limit the requirement for user developments including looking over and exchanging among composing and clicking the mouse to streamline EHR use for clinicians.

Effective information presentation

The design of the EHR interface utilizes clear textual styles and outwardly engaging components to enable users to effortlessly devour information.

High-value data or unusual values for clinical data are featured or introduced here and there that passes on importance. For instance, a system may utilize red content or pictures to flag that a data component is anomalous and should be tended to desperately.

Preservation of continuity

The EHR interface incorporates insignificant screen changes and visual interference while providers are finishing tasks, enabling users to concentrate on the substance of the work process as opposed to adjusting to another environment after each activity.

Minimized Cognitive Load

To limit intellectual burden, EHR data ought to be firmly organized by task without expecting users to get to various screens at the same time.

EHR alarms ought to be succinct, useful, and suitable. Guaranteeing EHR cautions are just utilized in high-sway circumstances decreases the probability of EHR ready weariness, which can represent a danger to patient well being now and again.

A purchaser neighbourly EHR system likewise performs computations consequently for providers to lessen psychological burden and anticipate human mistake.

Deciding if an EHR system has these characteristics can be a test given the subjectivity of user experience. In any case, healthcare organizations can work off industry inquire about while recognizing potential roads for leading a complete EHR usability evaluation amid and after execution.


EHR Assessment Concepts

Health IT developers and healthcare organizations settle on choices all through the EHR life-cycle that influence a system's level of usability.

Government controllers, for example, ONC can test an EHR system's presentation against key measurements preceding usage, however the onus falls on healthcare organizations to decide if a system addresses the issues of its providers and novel environment.

In a 2018 report, Pew Charitable Trusts, AMA, and MedStar Health's National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare distinguished various ways healthcare organizations can guarantee EHR usability testing precisely assesses a wide scope of usefulness and potential situations.

Initially, the organizations proposed healthcare administration consider every key task when arranging an EHR usability appraisal.

"Developer usability testing performed for accreditation centers around EHR capacities required by ONC," composed the organizations. "A few vendors develop experiments that incorporate tasks to assess well-being, however this practice isn't inescapable. Experiments ought to likewise concentrate on progressively key tasks in which the utilization of these systems can influence well-being."

The organizations likewise exhorted that an EHR usability evaluation be illustrative of the essential end-user, regardless of whether that is a medical attendant, a physician, or another certified staff part.

"Whenever possible, speak to finish workflows that include numerous kinds of clinicians taking an interest in the situation at the same time," the report exhorted.

As a major aspect of guaranteeing EHR usability evaluations are illustrative of a healthcare association's end users, Pew suggests healthcare organizations think about the demands of its clinical workflows, environment, and any EHR-coordinated outsider innovations. Healthcare organizations may likewise need to guarantee usability appraisals are clinically important.

Seat and its accomplices additionally focused on that surveying EHR usability at normal interim is fundamental for precisely measuring EHR usefulness.

"Different phases of the product life cycle, including how the product is altered by health care facilities and how software redesigns are executed, can show distinctive usability and well-being challenges," the organizations composed.

At long last, Pew and its accomplices proposed healthcare organizations consider the socio-specialized environment of their office while evaluating the proficiency and adequacy of EHR highlights.

"Confirmation testing, directed before execution in healthcare facilities, centers around the discharged EHR product and may not control for different components that can impact security," the organizations forewarned. "For instance, the sort of preparations clinicians get decides their insight into the EHR's highlights, including how to arrange drugs, symptomatic pictures, and lab tests effectively and securely."

"Furthermore, the healthcare office may settle on choices amid EHR usage about how to organize information in the system, which influences how clinicians connect with the innovation," the creators proceeded.

In view of these ideas, healthcare organizations can distinguish solid objectives and measures for a meaningful EHR usability appraisal.

Pew and its partners suggest that healthcare organizations recognize solid objectives and measures that target a particular objective before starting assessments. Also, the organizations proposed healthcare association initiatives guaranteed experiments are reproducible and unambiguous.

“Developing and using test cases that adhere to these criteria will provide greater rigour to the evaluation of clinician interaction with EHRs and can serve to better highlight specific usability and safety challenges in the design, customization, or use of products before patients are harmed,” advised authors in the report.


HIMSS categorizes EHR usability testing in one of the two ways: formative and summative.
Health IT developers are responsible for formative testing. Formative testing includes activities that help developers understand the user and clinical workflows, make iterative improvements to the product, and design the EHR interface in accordance with user needs.

Healthcare organizations perform summative testing. Summative EHR usability activities include expert review, performance testing, risk assessment, and one-on-one usability testing.

In combination, these activities can help healthcare providers evaluate efficiency, effectiveness, cognitive load, and other principles of EHR usability.

HIMSS recommends healthcare organizations test aspects of EHR usability in the following ways:


Expert review and one-on-one usability testing can be effective in measuring efficiency, according to HIMSS.

One-on-one usability testing can be performed in conjunction with an expert, intermediate, or novice end user. In one-on-one usability testing, end users are prompted to complete key tasks within the EHR interface and collect performance data during each task.

“Expert review is a human factors expert review of the product,” wrote HIMSS. “As part of the review, usability specialists identified areas in the product where the product conforms or fails to conform to Human Factors' best practices.”

One-on-one usability testing requires close monitoring to ensure performance data is accurately recorded.

“Sessions are frequently recorded with special software that captures interactions with the graphical user interfaces and matches the interactions with time stamps,” stated HIMSS.

Users can record key indicators such as the time it takes to perform a particular task, the number of interactions necessary to complete the task, the number of screens visited to complete a scenario within clinical workflows, the number of times the ‘back’ button is used, and the time it takes to complete a set of instructions within the EHR system.

In 2017, Arcadia Healthcare Solutions measured the number of clicks a single provider needed to complete her clinical and administrative tasks throughout an average workday.

According to Arcadia Healthcare Solution’s research, the clinician needed 2,541 clicks to document 24 patient encounters over the course of a 16-hour workday.

The results confirm provider concerns that EHR interfaces lack efficiency and require providers to perform a high number of interactions to fulfil reporting requirements and complete clinical documentation.

Recording the amount of time providers spend completing tasks within the EHR can help healthcare organizations identify particularly labor-intensive aspects of clinical documentation to guide workflow optimization.

Organizations that undertake similar examinations of routine EHR use may be able to identify areas for improvement or new workflow strategies that minimize cognitive fatigue.


Risk analysis exercises are helpful for determining a system’s ability to avoid errors when completing clinical tasks.

HIMSS recommends using the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), or a topological risk analysis.

The FMEA risk management tool analyzes potential failure using three criteria: occurrence, severity, and detection.

To measure occurrence, experts must determine the cause of failures and the frequency with which they are likely to happen. Severity criteria measures the impact of failures on the end user or the patient, and detection criteria measures the likelihood that failures will be detected by the system.
Topological risk analyses allow healthcare organizations to identify risk elements including single-point failures and common-mode failures.

“A single‐point failure would be any action by the clinician that results in harm, injury or death to the patient without a redundant safety check in place,” clarified HIMSS.

For example, if a provider mistakenly prescribed a drug to an allergic patient because drug allergy data was not displayed on the ordering screen, this would be considered a single-point failure.
Meanwhile, a common-mode failure is a safety incident in which multiple actions by the clinician stem from a single cause.

If a healthcare organization required prescribers to access multiple screens and memorize patient information to complete prescribing processes, errors occurring as a result of this ineffective process would be considered common-mode failures.

“A usability rating process can be developed by adapting risk assessment methodologies to objectively evaluate the potential for user error,” states HIMSS. “Certain design factors can lead to user error which would have patient safety implications.”

One-on-one usability testing can also help to measure effectiveness. Experts or users can record the number or rate of errors, path taken to complete a task, severity of errors, and number of requests for help to measure effectiveness during usability testing.

Naturalness and consistency

To measure consistency, healthcare organizations can prompt users to conduct one-on-one usability testing using several key metrics. Healthcare organizations can measure the time it takes users to achieve expert performance, the number of icons users remember after completing a task, and the time spent undertaking manual processes.

Healthcare organizations can also compare difference in completion time for novice and experienced users to gauge how familiarity with a system contributes to successful use.

Cognitive load

Measuring cognitive load is a complex process. Healthcare organizations may need to call upon cognitive psychologists to assist in administering assessments of cognitive load.

ONC’s Change Package for EHR Usability recommends healthcare organizations utilize the NASA Task Load Index to assess cognitive workload.

The NASA Task Load Index (TLX) is a workload assessment tool that allows users to assess task load or burden based on the mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance effort, and frustration of the human,” state ONC officials in the report.

“NASA TLX is widely used as a workload measurement tool across industries and is available as a printed PDF document or paper-and-pencil use, or as a mobile application.”.

AHRQ offers healthcare stakeholders a guide on how to use NASA TLX to measure cognitive load during EHR usability assessments.

User satisfaction

Finally, measuring user satisfaction is imperative for determining EHR usability. However, user satisfaction ratings are subjective and should be viewed accordingly.

Healthcare organizations can prompt users to complete tasks within the EHR and subsequently rate the ease and quality of their experience according to a point scale.

When researchers from the University of Missouri tested user satisfaction with different EHR note designs for a 2017 study, they asked participating clinicians to assign usability ratings to each design template based on the System Usability Scale (SUS).

SUS is a standard methodology that consists of 10 questions with five response options per question ranging from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.”

In addition to using SUS, researchers also prompted study participants to perform one-on-one usability testing with different EHR note designs.

“We simulated their utility for clinical practice by imposing time limits and by interrupting one of the tasks with a typical clinical interruption,” wrote researchers in the study report. “For each session, we recorded audio, computer-screen activity, eye tracking, and made field notes.”

Analyzing user performance data alongside SUS user satisfaction ratings helped researchers determine which EHR note design best met the needs of clinicians and promoted the highest level of clinical efficiency.

EHR usability can significantly affect clinical productivity, provider satisfaction, and patient safety. By observing and measuring provider interactions with EHR technology, healthcare organizations can get a sense of how well a technology, workflow, or application fits within their specific clinical environment.
